On this episode of Ctv Dza gives us a class on how to properly sand a backwood and vents on what he hates most about rolling blunts in a dutch master. The lowfi guys practice their wrestling moves just Incase they don’t make it in the rap game they def got a future in the wwe lol. Me and Todd head to see Flip Dinero perform at the Fool’s Gold show. Right before the performance, Todd lets us know about his love for the “ampandas” they have for sale + we took a trip to Rockstar Games where T-Pain, Abby Jasmine, Cuzzin Todd, Nyck Caution, and Rob Markman play against each other in a battle of Grand Theft Auto.

Next episode tune in to see Big Krit’s reaction to hearing Jayy Grams music for the 1st and some hilarious footage of Cuzzin Todd driving T Pain around.. GoodTalk ya pricks – Jonnyshipes